There are several factors that personally prevent me from getting on a flight to Ibiza. First, like many Gen Zers, I don’t drink, so I don’t succumb to the temptation of cheap booze. This places me firmly in the group of young people being investigated. They would *never* go to a place known for parties. Because when sober, there’s nothing more annoying than a group of drunk and noisy holiday participants. Even more seriously, StudentUniverse’s 2024 Student Youth Travel Status Report found that many young people, even those who drink alcohol, choose to travel to avoid putting themselves in dangerous situations in unknown environments. It turns out that there is a tendency to avoid alcohol.
So Gen Z is cutting back on alcohol and turning to culture instead.
For those living in the UK, culture is abundantly accessible and this fact is what has stopped me and many others from traveling abroad. There are over 500 National Trust sites across the UK, and English Heritage also manages over 400 historic buildings, monuments and ruins. This does not include the UK’s 35 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, of which Bath is just one.
You have a choice and you don’t even have to leave the country. “There are so many hidden gems in Britain that people should appreciate and adore as much as I do,” says Horne. “The country is amazing, the nature is breathtaking and the memories are unforgettable.”
Staying in the UK has the added benefit of being a much more sustainable way to vacation, something Gen Z also recognizes. According to a report by StudentUniverse, 13% of people no longer travel by air due to emissions, and as published in the 2024 Global Business Travel Review, 46% of Gen Zers are conscious of reducing emissions. Experts have revealed that most people travel only by train when they travel. their impact on the planet.
Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse in the Peak District. Image: Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse
This comes as no surprise to Ian Griffin, CEO of train ticketing app SeatFrog. “Gen Z has a conscience about the environment,” he says. But there are other things to consider while traveling, he added. “Data from our customers shows that if they hadn’t been able to find these low-cost tickets through an app, 70% would have chosen a less environmentally friendly alternative, such as a car, bus or coach. So this has to be balanced. They want to travel using greener means of transport, but they also need to be able to afford the ticket price to get there. is.”
But like Horne, Griffin believes it’s more than just climate change and affordability that keeps Gen Z in the UK. “Gen Z is suffering from burnout more than ever, and holidaying in the UK is likely to be far more appealing than going abroad and dealing with additional stressors,” he says. . “The UK is full of hidden gems. Our research shows that 27% of Gen Z are only planning a trip to the UK this year, and 34% are looking to explore historic landscapes they’ve never been to before. I know I plan on having fun.”
That is, the party holiday, if not already over, is losing its vigor for various reasons. Gen Z wants more experience-driven travel rather than alcohol-fueled travel, and it’s no surprise that their views on alcohol in general have changed. They are a humble generation, but they will soon become culturally curious.
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