Christ Lutheran Church and First Congregational Church in Natick posted on Facebook about the incidents, which happened late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, July 27 and 28.
The Rev. Cindy Worthington Berry of First Congregational Church posted that all of the church’s Pride, transgender and mental health flags were removed and thrown under some nearby bushes.
The Pride flag was replaced after Natick police cleared the scene, and Worthington-Berry said Sunday’s ceremony went on as scheduled.
“Our congregation gathered for worship and proclaimed, as we always do, ‘No matter who you are or where you are in your life’s journey, you are welcome here,'” she wrote, “especially those who have been told by other churches that their loved ones or themselves are broken, sinful or wrong.”
Worthington-Berry attached a photo to her post showing the flag being returned to its original location.
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A similar situation occurred at Christ Lutheran Church, where flags were taken down and a banner reading “Jesus is King” and anti-gay writing, including Bible verses, were left on the ground.
Pastor Christopher Gilbert said in a Facebook post that it pained him to see the Bible being used to condone hatred.
Gilbert added that he was grateful for the support, but that the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, who have been affected by this incident, should not be ignored.