Canadian Baptist Churches and Associations ordained two pastors from England on October 27, as the British Baptist Union was unable to ordain them.
First Baptist Church of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Baptist Freedom Association have appointed Andrea King and Luke Dowding as pastors. The ordination ceremony was witnessed by family, friends, and faith leaders from across North America and Europe.
A graduate of Regent’s College, Oxford, King is director of protection and strategy at OneBodyOneFaith. Mr Dowding is a graduate of Spurgeon’s College London and King’s College London and is CEO of OneBodyOneFaith.
Luke Dowding and Andrea King
“Andrea and Luke cannot be ordained and recognized in the British Baptist Union because of their sexuality and their public stance on LGBTQ relationships and LGBTQ protection in the church. “This groundbreaking expression is the result of years of partnership and relationship-building between the Canadian Baptist Freedom Association, OneBodyOneFaith, and the Global Partnership for Progressive Baptists,” a church news release said.
Rusty Edwards is the chair of the ordination qualification committee and senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Halifax.
“In 1830, the First Baptist Church of Halifax sent two qualified ministers to Providence, Rhode Island, USA, for ordination by the First Baptist Church of America,” he said. “194 years later, we are living in a story that welcomes Andrea and Luke, celebrates and affirms the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and sends them out to continue living the righteous love of Jesus.” The ordination is part of a larger movement within the global Baptist family to more fully live out our tradition of freedom under the guidance of Jesus Christ.”
The Canadian Baptist Freedom Association is a pan-Canadian fellowship comprised of both individuals and churches. They describe themselves as “Baptists who freely seek, live, share, and celebrate justice, peace, and love under the Lordship of Christ.”
OneBodyOneFaith is a UK-based ecumenical Christian charity that works to enable LGBTQ Christians to thrive, not just survive.
Clara Rushbrook, co-principal of Northern Baptist University in Manchester, England, served on both ordination councils and delivered the ceremonial address at the ordination ceremonies.
“I am deeply honored to be able to participate in this historic ordination ceremony today,” she said. “Despite the obstacles that stand in their way, Andrea and Luca clearly and graciously live out their God-given mission as ministers of the Gospel. Their heart for all the marginalized is a testament to their deep love for God and faith in Christ, and a rich blessing to our global Baptist family and the broader kinship of God. .”